What Is Voice? “Voice” is the sound made by vibration of the vocal cords caused by air passing out through the larynx bringing the cords closer together. Your voice is an extremely valuable resource and is the most commonly used form of communication. Our voice is invaluable for both our social interaction as well as… Read more »
Insight into causes and treatments How does the Temporo-Mandibular Joint work? What causes TMJ pain? How is TMJ pain treated? and more… Open your jaw all the way and shut it. This simple movement would not be possible without the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). It connects the temporal bone (the bone that forms the side of… Read more »
Insight into sleeping disorders and sleep apnea Forty-five percent of normal adults snore at least occasionally and 25 percent are habitual snorers. Problem snoring is more frequent in males and overweight people and usually worsens with age. Snoring may be an indication of obstructed breathing and should not be taken lightly. An otolaryngologist can help… Read more »
Insight into its effects on the body What chemicals are in smokeless tobacco? Who uses smokeless tobacco? Tips for quitting and more… Three percent of American adults are smokeless tobacco users. They run the same risks of gum disease, heart disease, and addiction as cigarette users, but an even greater risk of oral cancer. Each… Read more »
Insight into important senses How do smell and taste work? What causes loss of smell and taste? How are smell and taste loss diagnosed? and more… Problems with these senses have a big impact on our lives. Smell and taste contribute to our enjoyment of life by stimulating a desire to eat – which not… Read more »
Access to quality healthcare for children is forwarded by the availability of good healthcare information. With this year’s release of a new surgeon general’s report on secondhand smoke, the following information should beshared with patients. New Warning on Secondhand Smoke The Surgeon General released new evidence this year-July 2006-supporting the fact that secondhand smoke, smoke… Read more »
Where Are Your Salivary Glands? The glands are found in and around your mouth and throat. We call the major salivary glands the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands. They all secrete saliva into your mouth, the parotid through tubes that drain saliva, called salivary ducts, near your upper teeth, submandibular under your tongue, and the… Read more »
Insight into causes, treatment, and prevention What are fever blisters and cold sores? What are canker sores? When should a physician be consulted? and more… Oral lesions (mouth sores) make it painful to eat and talk. Two of the most common recurrent oral lesions are fever blisters (also known as cold sores) and canker sores.… Read more »
Most of us think of tongue-tie as a situation we find ourselves in when we are too excited to speak. Actually, tongue-tie is the non-medical term for a relatively common physical condition that limits the use of the tongue, ankyloglossia. Before we are born, a strong cord of tissue that guides development of mouth structures… Read more »
As many as 20 percent of high school boys and two percent of high school girls continue to use smokeless tobacco, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite public education campaigns sponsored by medical societies, organized baseball, and individuals, 12 to 14 million American users, one third are under age 21, and… Read more »