Spring is in full bloom! Unfortunately, for many people, this also means that their seasonal allergies are too. One of the most common is called Allergic Rhinitis, often referred to as nasal allergies or “hay fever.” Ocean ENT is here to help you understand what you’re experiencing and what you should do about it!
What is Allergic Rhinitis?
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Allergic Rhinitis can be defined as “the swelling of the inside lining of the nose that occurs when a person inhales something he/she is allergic to.” The symptoms can range from mild to severe and include runny nose, stuffiness, sneezing, itchy nose and watery eyes.
What causes Allergic Rhinitis?
You can experience Allergic Rhinitis from dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold and grass.
What can you do?
Try to avoid what you are allergic to. When pollen counts are high, avoid going outdoors. If you can’t, remove your clothes and wash them immediately when going back indoors. Purchase products that control dust mites inside your home, such as bed covers, air filters or sprays. Wash your pets frequently to remove pet dander.
What treatments are available?
Depending on how severe your symptoms are and how often they occur, treatments include: Steroid nose spray; oral antihistamine; nose spray antihistamine; combination medical therapy; allergy shots; allergy tablets/drops, or acupuncture. If you are not responding to treatment, your doctor may refer you to a surgeon for a nasal airway blockage procedure.
Where can I find help?
We are always here to help you. The Ocean ENT office is now open from 9 AM to 1 PM on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. Our office will assist you in setting up Telemedicine Video Visits with an Ocean ENT physician. To schedule an appointment, please call 732-281-0100.